Office of Religious Education


Included in this issue:

—Reflections for the Second and Third Sundays After Pentecost, June 2 and 9 respectively.
—A reflection on almsgiving, fasting, and prayer for the Apostles’ Fast.
—Commentary on the Church and Communism from a renowned Catholic Cardinal.
—A reminder about Eparchial Youth Days, June 7-8.
—A reflection on acquiring the life of the Church Fathers from an Elder of Mount Athos.
—A catechetical instruction, “Prayer — Expressing Christian Hope,” from We Walk With Christ.

—A reminder about SingCon, the UGCC liturgical music conference to be held this September.

—A reminder about the All American Youth Pilgrimage to be held in Parma this June.
—Links to resources.
Our next issue will be June 15, 2024.