Office of Religious Education


Included in this issue:

—Notable dates for August 1-14: Saints  and more to consider in your reflection and teaching.

—Reflections for the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost, August 4; Transfiguration of Our Lord, August 6; and the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost, August 11.

—Information and links to Synod Decisions 2024 and the Pastoral Letter “The Gospel Is the Power of God to Salvation for Everyone Who Believes.”

—A catechetical instruction, “The Church, the Place of Communal Prayer,” emended, from We Walk With Christ.

—Recommended reading on the Mother of God for the Dormition Fast, which begins today.

—A reflection on “the ultimate event of a world-wide reunion of Christians” from the writings of poet and philosopher T.S. Eliot.

—An event reminder, and links to resources.

Our next issue will be August 15, 2024.