
To help people encounter and respond to Christ through new missions and vibrant parishes.


The Office for Evangelization and Mission exists to support the eparchial bishop in planting new missions and revitalizing existing parishes through evangelization and outreach initiatives. The key strategic component in guiding the office is to develop a culture of missionary discipleship in our missions and existing parishes through:

  • Awakening experiences: Opportunities for people to hear and respond to the kerygma of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Formation: integral formation that helps both clergy and parishioners to realize that they are beloved by God, called to serve, and the discernment of gifts and charisms for leadership in their community.
  • Mission: Support to missions and parishes to “equip the saints for ministry” (cf. Ephesians 4: 12) in the Church by facilitating the development of a strengths-based ministry and leadership in their community with an initial emphasis on the Sunday experience as a main driver for growth in a community.

In addition, the office will provide logistical support and strategic planning on the establishment of new missions, including the intake and evaluation of viability of missionary opportunities, clergy support, and guidelines for establishing effective missions in the eparchy.


Пастирське послання Синоду Єпископів

Української Греко-Католицької Церкви

Lent 2019: Evangelization & Mission “Blessing and Dreams” parish activities sessions