About josaphat

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So far josaphat has created 1152 blog entries.
3 11, 2023

The Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma Held a Retreat for Its Clergy

2023-11-03T14:48:02+00:00Clergy Conference, News, Retreat|

The clergy of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma had their annual retreat on October 30 – November 2, 2023 at the Bethany Center of the Roman Catholic Diocese of St. Petersburg in Lutz, Florida. This year’s retreat was led by the Very Rev. Fr. Andrew

20 10, 2023

Synod Resolutions

2023-10-20T18:34:22+00:00News, Synod|

Prot. BA 23/247 ENG DECREE To the glory of the Holy, Consubstantial, Life-giving, and Undivided Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and for the good of the people of God entrusted to us. Amen BY THE GRACE OF GOD AND IN FULL COMMUNION WITH THE

19 10, 2023

Crystallized in Christ: The Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma Held the Fall Youth Retreat

2023-10-19T15:19:25+00:00News, Youth Ministry|

The youth, young adult leaders, and a clergyman of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma and the Byzantine Catholic Archeparchy of Pittsburgh gathered on Friday and Saturday, October 6-7, 2023 at All Saints Camp in Emlenton, Pennsylvania for the Fall Youth Retreat. The theme of this year’s

12 10, 2023

Послання Синоду Єпископів 2023

2023-10-12T15:08:36+00:00Pastoral Message, Synod|

Letter in PDF «Я ТЕБЕ НЕ ПОКИНУ!» (Євр. 13, 5) Послання Синоду Єпископів Української Греко-Католицької Церкви 2023 року до духовенства, монашества та мирян УГКЦ і всіх людей доброї волі Сам Господь ітиме перед тобою, Він сам буде з тобою; не опустить тебе й не покине, тож не бійся й не

3 10, 2023

Third UGCC “SingCon” Gathers Over 80 Participants

2023-10-03T15:10:19+00:00News, SingCon|

Third UGCC “SingCon” Gathers Over 80 Participants   More than 80 participants gathered from all across Canada and the United States of America for the third Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Singing Conference, popularly known as “SingCon,” at Saint Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Catholic Church in Welland, Ontario, from 28 September

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