26 03, 2024

The Path to Curing Wounds & Healing Traumas of War | April 30, 2024


Since the start of Russia’s full scale invasion of Ukraine, millions of mostly Ukrainian women and children have had to seek refuge in foreign countries. Despite their resilience, many of these individuals risk developing complex mental health illnesses. These illnesses include post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, generalized anxiety disorder, and panic

26 03, 2024


2024-03-26T19:39:51+00:00Pastoral, Pastoral Message, Patriarch Letters|

EASTER PASTORAL ВЕЛИКОДНЄ ПОСЛАННЯ EASTER PASTORAL LETTER OF HIS BEATITUDE SVIATOSLAV Most Reverend Archbishops and Bishops, Very Reverend and Reverend Fathers, Venerable Brothers and Sisters in Monastic and Religious Life, Dearly Beloved Laity in Christ of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church O my Saviour, living and unconsumed

21 03, 2024

United in Faith and Tradition: The Eastern Catholic Associates’ Annual Spring Meeting

2024-03-21T19:46:37+00:00Bishop, News|

From Tuesday, March 19 until Thursday, March 21 the annual spring meeting of the Eastern Catholic Associates (ECA) - the bishops of the Eastern Catholic churches of the United States - was held in St. Louis, MO.  Following a long-standing tradition, the meeting was hosted by Bishop Elias Zaidan of

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