27 03, 2019

Eastern Catholic Associates | Annual meeting at Maronite Pastoral Center in St Louis MO

2019-03-27T18:19:59+00:00Bishop, News|

On Wednesday and Thursday, March 27-28, 2019 Eastern Catholic Bishops in the United States met at the Maronite Pastoral Center in St. Louis, MO. Annually, Eastern Catholic Bishops meet in Saint Louis at the invitation of Bishop Elias Zaidan of the Maronite Catholic Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon of

14 03, 2019

Eastern Catholics begin Lenten journey, welcome bishop to Charlotte

2019-03-14T19:35:05+00:00Bishop, News|

CHARLOTTE — Approximately 200 people welcomed Bishop Bohdan Danylo, head of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma, Ohio, to St. Basil the Great Eastern Catholic Parish March 3, when he celebrated Divine Liturgy for “Forgiveness Sunday.” “Forgiveness Sunday” is the last Sunday before the start of Lent

13 03, 2019

«Владика Борис внесе нову перспективу у розвиток нашої митрополії»

2019-03-13T18:39:48+00:00Bishop, News, Philadelphia Archeparchy|

«Владика Борис внесе нову перспективу у розвиток нашої митрополії», — владика Богдан Данило про призначення владики Бориса Ґудзяка 18 лютого 2019 року у Ватикані повідомлено про те, що Папа Франциск потвердив рішення Синоду Єпископів УГКЦ і призначив владику Бориса Ґудзяка Архиєпископом і Митрополитом Філадельфійським УГКЦ у США, перенісши його з

8 03, 2019

Ukrainian Catholic Hierarchs in the United States Meet with New Metropolitan-Archbishop Borys Gudziak in Philadelphia

2019-03-08T18:45:51+00:00Bishop, News, Philadelphia Archeparchy|

The Ukrainian Catholic hierarchs of the United States had an opportunity to meet and pray with the new Metropolitan-Archbishop of Philadelphia, His Grace Borys Gudziak, on March 5 and 6. On Wednesday morning, March 6, the bishops began the day by praying the First Hour in the Archbishop’s Chapel, led

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