2 03, 2020

How to Forgive?

2020-03-02T21:20:25+00:00Catholic Explorer|

There is so much hatred, division and animosity in the world. But in order to change this there is only one sure way. Each of us needs to let go of our resentments and anger and forgive others, even those who hurt us and betrayed us. How, watch the video

28 01, 2020

Fight for Life

2020-01-28T19:11:52+00:00Catholic Explorer|

At the core of our religion is the fact that God treasures each life to the point of death on the cross for each person. That is why each life has an infinite and intrinsic value! And we need to protect it. Join the fight to save the future of

3 12, 2019

Benefits of Gratitude

2019-12-03T20:44:35+00:00Catholic Explorer|

Giving thanks for the numerous blessings from God does wondrous things to us. It makes us happy and so much at peace even when we encounter obstacles on the path of life. But there is more to it than that. Watch to find out the biggest benefit of gratitude. And

25 11, 2019

Chastity: A Forgotten Virtue

2019-11-25T18:46:54+00:00Catholic Explorer|

The virtue of chastity is the most neglected virtue in this age of immorality. Father Joseph Matlak, S.T.L. talks about why God desires us to be pure in our thoughts, words and actions. His words of wisdom will help you in your fight against carnal temptations that seek to destroy

11 10, 2019

Are You Truly Alive?

2019-10-11T14:26:07+00:00Catholic Explorer|

God is the Giver of Life. If we really want to experience life, there is only one way to achieve that. God is inviting us to share in the life that He Himself has. That is why He created us.

6 09, 2019

You Are Forgiven! Live Like it!

2019-09-06T16:50:56+00:00Catholic Explorer, News|

In His abundant mercy, God had compassion on us after we rebelled against Him. He granted His forgiveness to us, but if we do not show mercy unto others, our Lord warns us the grace will be taken away from those who continue to live selfishly.

21 08, 2019

A Spiritual Famine

2019-08-21T18:37:40+00:00Catholic Explorer|

There is a great hunger for meaning in today's world. People are looking for things that will never satisfy a thirsty soul. There is only one way to nourish our heart.

28 06, 2019

What Is Eternal Life?

2019-06-28T14:58:42+00:00Catholic Explorer|

The most precious gift of all is the gift of life, for without it we can do nothing, but God wants us to have fullness of life, only possible through His grace.

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