31 05, 2019

Do You Know God’s Power?

2019-05-31T18:47:43+00:00Catholic Explorer|

As we complete this Easter Season, I want to call our attention to one of the Gospel Readings, in which the Most Powerful God is asking His creature if he wants to be made well and be healed of paralysis. Can we fully fathom God's abundant love and His unlimited

21 05, 2019

What Makes a Good Mother?

2019-05-21T13:48:49+00:00Catholic Explorer, News|

Being a mother is the most natural and rewarding thing in a woman’s life, but what makes a good mother, a kind of mother God uses as an instrument to build up the Kingdom of God. The question should rather be Who makes a good mother…

20 05, 2019

Christ Destroyed All Obstacles!

2019-05-20T19:29:27+00:00Catholic Explorer|

There may seem to be so many obstacles to God in our life, but Jesus Christ destroyed them all. The joy of the Resurrection of Christ is that we have a clear path to God because of the victory over sin, evil, suffering and death.

4 04, 2019

What is Fasting?

2019-04-08T14:18:15+00:00Catholic Explorer|

What is fasting about? We have been fasting in our church for centuries and that is good. It is very important to do. However, we have to make sure that we are doing this for the right reason.

11 03, 2019

PRAYER SERIES: 4. The Jesus Prayer

2019-03-11T01:12:20+00:00Catholic Explorer, News|

What is the best way to pray? Over centuries many elaborate liturgical services and private practices developed, but one prayer practice really stands out. Its simplicity and power lifted many sinners from their bondage unto life of God. Deacon Anthony Dragani shares about it.  

25 02, 2019

PRAYER SERIES: 2. The Effects of Prayer

2019-03-01T16:17:27+00:00Catholic Explorer, News|

When we pray, something supernatural happens. Like love at the first sight, prayer lifts us up to the heights of our existence to sour and see everything much more clearly. Subscribe to Catholic Explorer's YouTube Chanel Join Catholic Explorer's Facebook Page

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