6 11, 2017

The Creed: “No one may share the Eucharist with us unless he believes that what we teach is true.”

2017-11-06T19:59:35+00:00Liturgical Catechesis|

PDF UKRAINIAN PDF ENGLISH Catechetical Sermon on the Divine Liturgy #9 The Creed: “No one may share the Eucharist with us unless he believes that what we teach is true.” After the prayer of the aitesis, the priest again greets/”blesses” the congregation,

28 02, 2017

The Entrance Rite

2017-12-20T15:04:41+00:00Eparchy, Faith, Liturgical Catechesis|

Download in English Download in Ukraine Catechetical Sermon on the Divine Liturgy  #3  The Entrance Rite Because we come to church today and wait in our place for the service to begin, it may sound strange to separate the gathering from the entrance, but in

6 02, 2017


2017-02-06T17:21:04+00:00Eparchy, Faith, Liturgical Catechesis, News|

Проскомидія Proskomedia Catechetical Sermons on the Divine Liturgy #2 Before the Curtain Goes Up – the Proskomide (A.K.A., Proskomedia), or Prothesis If we want to invite guests to our home we usually tell them what to expect: “drop by for coffee,” or lunch,

25 01, 2017

Catechetical Sermon on the Divine Liturgy

2017-02-06T17:20:07+00:00Faith, Liturgical Catechesis, News, Resources, Vibrant Parish|

ПЕРЕДМОВА ЗІБРАННЯ: “У НАС Є ЗАГАЛЬНЕ ЗІБРАННЯ.” PREFACE THE GATHERING: “WE HAVE A COMMON ASSEMBLY.” Catechetical Sermons on the Divine Liturgy Preface Byzas’ Place (Byzantium) began as a small port city on the European side of the Bosporus settled originally by Thracians more than

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