19 10, 2021

The Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma Held a Retreat for Its Clergy

2021-10-19T15:28:09+00:00Clergy Conference, News, Retreat|

The clergy of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma held their annual retreat October 11-14, 2021 at the Bethany Center of the Roman Catholic Diocese of St. Petersburg in Lutz, Florida. This year’s retreat was led by Rev. Deacon Cyril Kennedy of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of

29 09, 2021

North Carolina Mission Holds Retreat on “Guarding the Thoughts and Soul in Perilous Times”


North Carolina Mission Holds Retreat on "Guarding the Thoughts and Soul in Perilous Times"   Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke Ukrainian Catholic Mission, located at St. Barnabas Catholic Church in Arden, North Carolina, held its eighth annual East Meets West Retreat September 24-25. A total of 40 Eastern and Western

10 09, 2021

Statement of the Ukrainian Catholic Hierarchy of the United States on Commemoration of September 11


Statement in English Statement in Ukrainian Glory to Jesus Christ! Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ! On September 11, 2001, the United States of America experienced the darkest hour in its recent history — the deadly terrorist attack that claimed the lives of

29 07, 2021

Ми Йдемо з Христом – Катехизм для молоді


Підручник катехизму для молоді у тведій обкладинці. Підручник виданий українською мовою з ілюстраціями майже на кожній сторінці. 227 сторінок. Ілюстрований підручник катехизму для молоді розділений на три частини: Ми Віримо, Ми Надіємося, Ми любимо. Придбати

22 07, 2021

Saints Borys and Hlib


The first saints to be canonized in Kyivan Rus’. The two princes were killed in 1015 by their elder brother, Prince Sviatopolk I, during the succession struggle following the death of their father, Volodymyr the Great. Their older brother, Yaroslav the Wise, thereupon presented his struggle for power with Sviatopolk

16 06, 2021

The Eparchial Review Board on the Implementation of Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People Held Its Consecutive Meeting


The Eparchial Review Board on the Implementation of Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People Held Its Consecutive Meeting The Review Board of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma on the implementation of the USCCB Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People held

8 06, 2021

A Letter from the US Hierarchy to Clergy, Religious and Beloved Faithful


A LETTER FROM THE UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC HIERARCHY OF THE USA TO OUR CLERGY, RELIGIOUS, SEMINARIANS AND BELOVED FAITHFUL The world has lived through an extraordinarily painful and difficult eighteen months.  There is no one living who has not been adversely affected in some way by the illness and death wrought

27 05, 2021

Владика Богдан Данило: «Ми покликані вносити цей „промінчик“ світла Воскресіння у різні людські ситуації»

2021-05-27T17:22:41+00:00Bishop, News|

Відвідуючи перемиський катедральний собор Святого Івана Хрестителя 23 травня 2021 року, у Неділю розслабленого, владика Богдан Данило, єпископ Єпархії Святого Йосафата із осідком у м. Парма (штат Огайо, США), запропонував подивитися на зцілення паралітика поблизу Овечої купелі крізь призму воскресіння Христового. Дорогі брати і сестри у Христі! Христос Воскрес! Перші дві неділі після Воскресіння представляють нам різні аспекти

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