28 08, 2020

Eastern Catholic Theology in Action Webinar Series

2020-08-28T15:04:07+00:00Catechism, News, Philadelphia Archeparchy|

Eastern Catholic Theology in Action webinar series will be held on Thursdays, beginning September 3, 2020.  The courses are free and more information is available by clicking on the link below. On Thursday, November 12 Metropolitan-Archbishop Borys Gudziak of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia will present a program

10 08, 2020

Unity, Dignity and Healing

2020-08-10T19:44:42+00:00Bishop, News|

Flyer in English Flyer in Ukrainian   The League of Ukrainian Catholics of America together with Mothers in Prayer present a virtual conference for the UGCC faithful on Saturday, October 10th 2020 Online registration opens September 1 at www.stamforddio.org ◦ Opening Prayer

10 08, 2020

Guidelines for Religious Education


Glory to Jesus Christ! Our 2020-21 Religious Education school year is quickly approaching. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Eastern Catholic Education Directors (ECED) is currently developing a distance learning option for those who cannot or do not feel safe participating in the traditional, onsite classroom setting. Meanwhile, your

24 07, 2020

Transfiguration of Christ (Aug. 6) Activities for the Domestic Church

2020-07-24T17:05:57+00:00Family Life, News|

1. Decorate: Do you have white sheets, tablecloths or other linens? With your children, decorate their bedrooms, and all around the house with white to remind us of how Jesus’ clothes “became dazzling white”. Read the story of the Transfiguration Matt. 17:1–9 in a children’s bible or watch a video “The Transfiguration I Animated

21 07, 2020

Instruction “The pastoral conversion of the Parish community in the service of the evangelising mission of the Church”, of the Congregation for the Clergy,


Instruction "The pastoral conversion of the Parish community in the service of the evangelising mission of the Church", of the Congregation for the Clergy, 20.07.2020   Instruction The pastoral conversion of the Parish community in the service of the evangelising mission of the Church Introduction 1. The ecclesiological reflection of

16 07, 2020

Блаженніший Святослав висловив щирі співчуття з приводу смерті владики Мілана Шашіка


Блаженніший Святослав, Отець і Глава Української Греко-Католицької Церкви, від імені Синоду Єпископів УГКЦ і від себе особисто висловив щирі співчуття з приводу смерті владики Мілана Шашіка, правлячого єпископа Мукачівської греко-католицької єпархії. Листа адресовано владиці Нілові Лущаку, єпископові-помічнику цієї єпархії. «З великим сумом ми сприйняли звістку про передчасний відхід до вічності

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