17 04, 2020

On-line audio and video resources from the Sheptytsky Institute in Toronto


Christ is risen! Le Christ est ressuscité! Христос Воскрес! Dear Friends of the Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies, Whether you celebrated Pascha last Sunday or are preparing for the Feast this week, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impose a “Lenten solitude.” Included in this e-mail are on-line audio and

8 04, 2020

Pastoral Letter of His Beatitude Sviatoslav To the Clergy of the UGCC

2020-04-08T16:41:44+00:00News, Pastoral, Pastoral Message, Patriarch Letters|

Letter to Clergy in English Letter to Clergy in Ukrainian Pastoral Letter of His Beatitude Sviatoslav To the Clergy of the UGCC On Holy Thursday 2020  Dear Brothers in the Priesthood of Christ! Before his own passion, moving towards the illustrious feast of the

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