11 02, 2020

Life and Prayer in the Mission Parishes in North and South Carolinas

2020-02-11T16:42:53+00:00News, Parishes|

Saint Josaphat Eparchy in cooperation with Zhyve TV created a short film about life, prayer, stewardship, diakonia and mission outreach of our communities in Charlotte, Pineville, NC and Columbia, SC. Parishes in Mid-Atlantic Region are a good example of evangelization and mission in our Saint Josaphat Eparchy. Our communities welcome

11 02, 2020

Saint Mary’s Community in North Port, FL

2020-02-11T16:23:53+00:00News, Parishes|

Saint Josaphat Eparchy, in cooperation with Zhyve TV, created a short film about life, prayer, stewardship and diakonia activities of our Presentation of the Mother of God Parish Community in North Port, FL. We hope that this presentation will encourage other communities to build a strong parish and for our

26 04, 2019

Mission Days 2019

2019-04-26T15:34:17+00:00Faith, News, Parishes, Pastoral|

Starting on the feast of the Ascension May 30th to Pentecost, June 9th we will once again pray that the Lord might renew our life through the Holy Spirit. Throughout these ten Mission Days let us pray for our own parish, mission parishes in St. Josaphat Eparchy and our beloved

8 04, 2019

Паафія Покрови Пресвятої Богородиці провела великопосну прощу.

2019-04-08T14:56:29+00:00News, Parishes|

З ініціативи парафіяльної спільноти сьогодні в день Благовіщення Пресвятої Богородиці наші парафіяни провели Великопосну духовну прощу до Sorrowful Mother Shrine 4106 Bellevue, OH.Віримо в силу молитви, яка дуже потрібна для всіх нас в теперішній час.

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