12 10, 2018

The Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma Held an Annual Retreat for Its Clergy

2018-10-12T16:30:22+00:00Bishop, News, Parishes, Retreat|

The clergy of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma held their annual retreat on October 9-12, 2018 at the Loyola Retreat House in Clinton, Ohio. The retreat was led this year by Very Rev. Richard Janowicz, Protosyncellus of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of St. Nicholas in Chicago

17 09, 2018

Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma Held an Annual Pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Holy Cross

2018-09-17T13:53:47+00:00Bishop, Celebration, Eparchy, News, Parishes, Pilgrimage|

Faithful, clergy, and religious from the States of Ohio and Pennsylvania of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma and beyond took part on September 15, 2018 – Saturday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, according to the Gregorian calendar – in the pilgrimage to the Shrine

25 06, 2018

100th Anniversary of St. George Ukrainian Catholic Church in Pittsburgh

2018-06-25T19:37:03+00:00News, Parishes|

St. George Ukrainian Catholic Church in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA) Celebrates 100th Anniversary On Sunday, June 17, 2018, St. George Ukrainian Catholic Church in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – a parish of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma – solemnly celebrated its 100th anniversary in the presence of many clergy,

23 05, 2018

Вікно в Америку

2018-05-23T14:24:32+00:00News, Parishes|

Вікно в Америку! Наживо. Як живуть і чим займаються Українські пенсіонери на Флориді. - Що відчуває людина з чужими руками. - Чому вчені забрались під землю у пошуках відповідей на питання космосу?

13 07, 2017

St. Anne Ukrainian Catholic Church in Austintown, Ohio Celebrates Golden Jubilee

2017-07-13T15:42:35+00:00News, Parishes|

On Sunday, June 25, 2017, St. Anne Ukrainian Catholic Church in Austintown, Ohio – a parish of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma – solemnly celebrated its 50th anniversary in the presence of many clergy, religious, and lay people. The celebrations began with a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy

21 04, 2017

Кобзар Юрко Фединський під час Страсного і Світлого тижнів кобзарював у Пармській єпархії

2017-04-21T15:36:51+00:00Cathedral, News, Parishes|

Упродовж Страсного і Світлого тижнів в українській католицькій парафії Святого Йосафата в Пармі перебуває з візитом гість з України, родом з Америки – Юрко Фединський, бандурист, композитор, який виконує традиційний, старовинний кобзарський репертуар. Парафіяни і гості, які численно збиралися в соборі Святого Йосафата, а також в Астродомі (парафіяльній залі) на

19 12, 2016

Blessed Martyrs of Ukraine

2016-12-19T15:52:09+00:00Eparchy, Faith, News, Parishes|

On Saturday, December 17, 2016, Sr. Elizaveta, OSBM from the Sisters of St. Basil in Ukraine visited Saint Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral and spoke about the blessed Martyrs of the 20th century of Ukraine. On June 27, 2001, Pope John Paul II beatified twenty-eight Ukrainian martyrs: bishops, priests, nuns, and

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