23 02, 2022

Appeal of His Beatitude Sviatoslav to the Sons and Daughters of the Ukrainian People in Ukraine and Abroad

2022-02-23T20:44:37+00:00News, Prayer Request|

English Text Українською Мовою Appeal of His Beatitude Sviatoslav to the Sons and Daughters of the Ukrainian People in Ukraine and Abroad, and to all People of Good Will Dear Brothers and Sisters, The recognition by the president of the Russian Federation of the

14 02, 2022

Pray for Peace in Ukraine | an Appeal of the Ukrainian Catholic Bishops of the United States

2022-02-14T02:06:53+00:00News, Prayer Request|

Pray for Peace in Ukraine An Appeal of the Ukrainian Catholic Bishops of the United States Over the last weeks, the world has become fully aware of the fact that democratic Ukraine and its freedom-loving people are increasingly surrounded by hostile military forces prone for invasion. A full escalation of

23 02, 2021


2021-02-23T20:52:12+00:00News, Prayer Request|

Letter in English and Ukrainian REQUIEM PRAYER SERVICE FOR THE VICTIMS OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC AKATHIST SATURDAY,  MARCH 20, 2021 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ! Glory to Jesus Christ! A year  has passed and we continue to struggle with the coronavirus pandemic. Each and every one

23 01, 2019

Молитва за покликання

2019-01-23T18:21:29+00:00News, Prayer Request|

Молитва за покликання Господи, Ти через Хрещення закликаєш нас проголошувати Твою любов. Дай нам усвідомити нашу місію в Церкві, де ми покликані прославляти Бога, проголошувати Євангеліє, служити нашим братам і сестрам. Щоб діяти в самому серці світу, вибери з-посеред нас священиків, дияконів, місіонерів і богопосвячених осіб, до чернечого життя та

23 01, 2019

+ Merle Morozowich, father of Reverend Mark Morozowich Passed into Eternity

2019-01-23T15:18:47+00:00News, Prayer Request|

We received the sad news of passing into eternity of Mr. Merle Morozowich, father of Reverend Mark Morozowich. Funeral arrangements for +Merle Morozowich are as follows: Viewing hours: Saturday, January 26, 2019 and Sunday, January 27, 2019  from 2 to 6 PM at Ott Funeral Home in Irwin (504 Oak

18 12, 2018

Prayer for Priests

2018-12-18T15:25:33+00:00News, Prayer Request|

O Jesus, I pray for Your faithful and fervent priests and bishops; for Your unfaithful and tepid priests; for Your priests laboring at home or abroad in distant mission fields; for Your tempted priests; for Your lonely and desolate priests; for Your young priests; for Your dying priests; for the

26 01, 2018


2018-01-26T15:27:20+00:00News, Pastoral, Pastoral Message, Prayer Request, World|

PASTORAL OF THE UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC HIERARCHY OF THE U.S.A.  “CALL TO PRAYER IN OUR FAMILIES” TO OUR CLERGY, HIEROMONKS AND BROTHERS, RELIGIOUS SISTERS, SEMINARIANS AND BELOVED FAITHFUL. The Lord, who loves every human being in the world, gifted each one of us with a unique and unrepeatable life. When we

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