28 02, 2024

Воскресіння до якого ми покликані – Реколекції Матері в Молитві

2024-02-28T19:47:12+00:00News, Retreat|

Оголошення Програма Реколекцій Матері в Молитві запрошують на реколекції - "Воскресіння до якого ми покликані" - які відбудуться в філадельфійській архиєпархії від 15-17 березня, 2024 року.

20 02, 2024

Live Virtual Spiritual Retreat: THE VIEW FROM THE CROSS


An invitation from the League of Ukrainian Catholics and Ukrainian Catholic Bishops in the United States of America: Live Virtual Spiritual Retreat entitled: THE VIEW FROM THE CROSS Sunday, March 24, 2024 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm EST Please follow online registration: at LeagueofUkrainianCatholics.org    Retreat program:   WELCOME, INTRODUCTION AND OPENING

3 11, 2023

The Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma Held a Retreat for Its Clergy

2023-11-03T14:48:02+00:00Clergy Conference, News, Retreat|

The clergy of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma had their annual retreat on October 30 – November 2, 2023 at the Bethany Center of the Roman Catholic Diocese of St. Petersburg in Lutz, Florida. This year’s retreat was led by the Very Rev. Fr. Andrew

3 02, 2022

Live Virtual Spiritual Retreat


Save the date!!! Great Lent is just around the corner. We welcome you to join us in a live, virtual, spiritual journey on Sunday Aprill 3rd. Hosted by the League of Ukrainian Catholics and the Ukrainian Catholic Bishops in the USA. Here is our program with our beloved spiritual mentors.

1 11, 2021

The Unfolding of a Mystery: from Annunciation to Nativity. A Spiritual Retreat into Christmas


Retreat Poster The League of Ukrainian Catholics together with the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Stamford, cordially invites all Catholics to experience a live, virtual retreat titled: "The Unfolding of a Mystery: from Annunciation to Nativity. A Spiritual Retreat into Christmas" The retreat will be

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