Liturgy and Prayer in the Catechism “Christ Our Pascha”
Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church (Carnegie) 730 Washington Avenue, Carnegie, United StatesThe Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Catholic Church is calling us to focus on Prayer in the life of the Church. In response to this call, Catechetical Office of Saint Josaphat Eparchy is inviting you to join us at Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church in Carnegie for Catechetical Program
Lock-in-Retreat 2018
Saint Anne Ukrainian Catholic Church 4310 Kirk Rd., Austintown, OH, United StatesREGISTRATION FORM Lock-in-Retreat Event Details: Audience: Teenagers/Young Adults Theme: “Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong” (1 Cor. 16:13)” Key Note Speakers: Father Tom Hrywna, Sts Vladimir and Olga Ukrainian Catholic Church, Windsor Ontario, Michael Hayes, recent graduate Holy Spirit Ukrainian
Prayer in the Family
Saints Peter and Paul 404 Sixth Avenue, Ambridge, PA, United StatesFamilies are cordially invited to a workshop and prayer service entitled “Prayer in a Family”
Ukrainian Language Seminar – Liturgy and Prayer in the Catechism Christ Our Pascha
Pokrova Church 6810 Broadview Road, Parma, OH, United StatesLIVESTREAM Синод єпископів Української Католицької Церкви закликає нас зосередитися на молитві у житті Церкви. У відповідь на цей заклик катехитичне відділення Єпархії святого Йосафата запрошує вас приєднатися до нас для катехитичної програми під назвою "Літургія та молитва в катехізисі Христос наша Пасха" що пройде 21
Ridgecrest Conference Center Black Mountain, NC, United States41st Annual Diocesan Youth Conference
Book Presentation “The Clergy of the Peremyshl Eparchy”
Pokrova Church 6810 Broadview Road, Parma, OH, United StatesHosted by USA Friends of Ukrainian Catholic University and Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation Cleveland // Book Presentation "The Clergy of the Peremyshl Eparchy and the Apostolic Administration of Lemkivshchyna. Vol 2" Українська Католицька Освітня Фундація та Український Католицький Університет запрошує на презентацію книжки отця Ректора Богдана Праха «Духовенство Перемиської єпархії
Priestly Ordination of Deacon James Davidson
Saint John The Baptist Johnstown 606 Maple Avenue, Johnstown, PA, United StatesHis Excellency Most Reverend Bohdan J. Danylo announced the ordination of Deacon James Davidson to the Holy Priesthood for the service of People of God in Saint Josaphat Eparchy. Please pray for Deacon James as he prepares to serve in the Vineyard of our Lord.
Всеукраїнська Американська Проща молоді
Pokrova Church 6810 Broadview Road, Parma, OH, United StatesPlanting Crosses – Evangelization and Mission Convention
Pokrova Church 6810 Broadview Road, Parma, OH, United StatesEPARCHIAL YOUTH DAYS
Cheeseman Farm, 1757 Cheeseman Road, Portersville, PA 16051 1757 Cheeseman Road, Portersville, PA, United StatesEnglish Poster Ukrainian Poster Invitation Letter