As we have begun our journey with Jesus during this Holy and Great Week, it is also a time for reflection of our journey with His mother … Our Lady the Theotokos.

Mary must have felt a full range of emotions as she accompanied her Son — deep sadness, compassion, anger, powerlessness, and even trust in the midst of all the confusion that occurred during that week. We see Mary present as her Son endures His bitter passion and His walk to Calvary to die for our salvation. Enroute Jesus meets His blessed mother, they glance at each other and she continues to follow Him where she remained, standing at the foot of the cross until the time when He expired.

We may feel the same emotions in ourselves when we are faced with the current reality of our world:

  • sadness – when we view the daily news and are confronted with many negative occurrences in society
  • compassion – when we see those less fortunate and the marginalized in our cities and neighborhoods
  • anger – when we see others exploited or others whose rights are violated
  • powerlessness – when we reflect on how these issues effect or may have an effect on those we love
  • And yet, we also feel trust in a loving God who died for us.

What, then, can we learn from Mary with whom we share these feelings?

As Mary stood at the foot of the cross, she stood with courage. Her standing at the foot of the cross was surely an act of love. Her standing at the foot of the cross was total trust in God’s plan for the salvation of the world.

As we celebrate this Holy and Great Week, we are experiencing the phenomena of the Covid-19 pandemic. In light of this reality that surrounds us, we may ask ourselves:

  • How can I be called to respond to this situation?
  • How can I use the gifts that God has given me to respond to the suffering Christ in our midst?

As we ponder these questions, let us take Mary as our model who stands courageous, bold and steadfast. Our Lady, the Theotokos, continues to stand with us and to support us and present our fears and concerns to her Son, Jesus. Jesus, hope for the world!