Office of Religious Education


Sunday of All Saints, First Sunday After Pentecost

June 4

To love one’s parents or children above Christ leads us to disaster, to the depths of perdition. He did not say, He who does not love Me more than father and mother, but, He that loveth them more than me is not worthy of Me. Do not be grieved, parents and children, on hearing these words, for He adds: And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after Me, is not worthy of Me….If any man is not willing to renounce his life and to give himself over to battles, struggles, self-sacrifice, the shedding of his blood and a violent and shameful death for Christ’s sake, he is unworthy to be His disciple or His servant.

From John Chrysostom, The Gospel Commentary, translated from Slavonic into English by Abbot German Ciuba (Church of the Nativity of Christ, Old Rite, Erie, Pa.)


Blessed Theophylact on Matthew 10:32-33; 37-38; & 19: 27-30


The Lord does not bid us simply to separate from our families, but only when they impede our piety. In the same manner, He bids us to despise even our own life and body, but not with the result that we slay ourselves. See how good God is: He not only gives us these good things, but adds to them eternal life. You, then, O reader hasten to sell your possessions and give to the poor. Possessions are, to the wrathful person, his anger; to the fornicator, his disposition for debauchery; to the resentful person, his remembrance of wrongs. Sell these things and give them to the poor demons who are in want of every good thing. Return the passions to the creators of the passions, and then you will have treasure, which is Christ, in your heaven, that is, in your mind which has been exalted above this world. For he who becomes like the heavenly One has heaven within himself.


From Blessed Theophylact, The Explanation of the Holy Gospel According to Matthew, Chrysostom Press, 2007