Office of Religious Education


Third Sunday After Pentecost

June 18

Chrysostom on Matthew 6:22-33.


The light of the body is the eye. As the eye is to the body, so the mind is to the soul. A healthy eye gives light to the body, but a sickly eye darkens it; likewise, if the mind be pure, and gaze solely upon things true and divine, and abide ever in their sobriety, the soul, receiving illumination from it, is enlightened and purified. But if the mind be turned toward evil, and be possessed by worry about property or by passionate desire, and be attached to these things, then it is blinded and darkened; and when the mind is darkened, the soul also become dark, much more than the bodily eye.

From John Chrysostom, The Gospel Commentary, translated from Slavonic into English by Abbot German Ciuba (Church of the Nativity of Christ, Old Rite, Erie, Pa.)


Blessed Theophylact on Matthew 6:22-33.


… if you fill your mind with worries over money, you have extinguished the lamp and darkened your soul.

We make the devil our Lord when we make the belly our god.

… even if you take the utmost care, you can do nothing if God does not will it. Why then do you drive yourself to exhaustion with futile worries?

He shows that though you go to great lengths, you are not able to be adorned as beautifully as the lilies.


From Blessed Theophylact, The Explanation of the Holy Gospel According to Matthew, Chrysostom Press, 2007


Romans 5:1-10.

Christ died for us; much more therefore, being now justified by his blood, shall we be saved from wrath through him.