Office of Religious Education


Sunday of Saint Thomas

April 16

Chrysostom on John 20:19-31

Therefore, brethren, if we also wish the Lord to come to us as He came to the apostles and his disciples while the doors were shut, let us strive to close the doors–all our senses.

From John Chrysostom, The Gospel Commentary, translated from Slavonic into English by Abbot German Ciuba (Church of the Nativity of Christ, Old Rite, Erie, Pa.)

Blessed Theophylact on John 20:19-31

So what is the profit here, and to whom does it accrue? Certainly not to Christ, for what does He gain by our belief? It is we who gain.

From Blessed Theophylact, The Explanation of the Holy Gospel According to John, Chrysostom Press, 2007 Acts 5:12-20

And there came also together to Jerusalem a multitude out of the neighboring cities, bringing sick persons, and such as were troubled with unclean spirits; who were all healed.