Parish Social Ministry is the response of the people of God to the Gospel Call to minister in charity and justice. It is a means through which parishioners can continue the servant ministry of Christ.

The Parish is a community of the people of God. It is a spiritually bonded community with the Gospel Mandate to teach, to worship and to serve. Social means that the parish is a faith community extending itself to all those in need. Ministry flows from the Baptismal call of each Christian. Through the Mysteries (sacraments) of Baptism, Chrismation and Holy Eucharist, each of us is commissioned and sent to follow in the way of Jesus – to “bring good news to the poor… liberty to the captives… new sight to the blind… and to set the downtrodden free.” (Luke 4:18) All realms of human need – physical, social, relational and spiritual are the concern of Parish Social Ministry. It is an organized way to show care and concern for fellow parishioners.

The Principles of Parish Social Ministry

1) Builds Community

2) Nurtures and intensifies our gospel call to ministry by reflecting on lived experiences in light of Gospel values

3) Empowers the parish to: discern Gospel values, exercise Gospel values in the community, and develop lay leadership

4) Addresses social and community needs through direct services and actions for justice

5) Respects the distinctive gifts, needs, resources and diversity of the local geography and eparchial areas

6) Transcends parochial and provincial issues by bonding with other groups, churches, parishes, agencies, organizations – with all people of good will – i.e. networking

7) Fosters a preferential option for the poor

Social Ministry in the Parish

This training program is for anyone interested in reaching out to his/her fellow parishioners in Christian Service.

  1. The Theology and History of Parish Social Ministry

The Church’s social mission is rooted in the Scriptures, especially in the life and words of Jesus. The biblical call of reaching out to the “least of these” in our parish and community – the hungry, elderly, sick and the stranger, etc.

  1. Personal Prayer and Spirituality

It is in the Divine Liturgy that we find the fundamental direction, motivation and strength for social ministry. In personal prayer, the reading of Sacred Scripture and quiet reflection on the Christian life, one discovers the social mission of every believer. By serving those in need, we serve our Lord. In prayer, we find the reasons, the strength and the call to follow Jesus in the ways of charity, justice and peace.

  1. Networking-Resource Training

Participants are given practical information about the major social service agencies within their area as well as procedures for utilizing these resources.

  1. Basic Communications Skills

In this session, we will have the opportunity to better understand the importance of communication in everyday life and to learn more about verbal and non-verbal communication. Some skills that will be presented are: the role of feelings, confidentiality and the right of self determination.

  1. Direct Personal Services

Practically every parish will need to provide many services among them: transportation, visitation and emergency home help, etc. The volunteer will learn what is expected as well as what is not expected of him/her in the various services that the parish might need.

  1. Role Playing

The volunteers professional development will be expanded through a study of various situations in which he/she may find himself/herself.

Prayer Hotline

The Eparchial Prayer Society prays daily for specific parishes as well as any special intentions people have requested. If you have a special intention or request you may call or email us. Your prayer request will be placed in the Sisters’ chapel and remembered in prayer daily at the Divine Office and Divine Liturgy by the Sisters. The Eparchial Prayer Society will also include your request in their prayers also.

Call or send your requests to: Sr. Olga Marie by calling 724-266-5578 or by emailing Sister at

Metropolitan Sheptycky: Pastoral Letter to the Sick

Pastoral Letter To The Sick (PDF)

The Society of Prodigals Prayer Ministry

The Society of Prodigals, the prayer ministry of the Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma, prays each day for the following different parish(s) listed on the calendar below. On the day your parish is remembered, please pray for the spiritual growth of those who serve in the administration of our entire Eparchy and global Church.


Day – Prayer Intention

  1. St. Josaphat Cathedral, Parma, OH
  2. Holy Ghost, Akron /St. Nicholas, Canton, OH
  3. St. Anne, Austintown, OH
  4. Ss. Peter & Paul, Cleveland, OH
  5. St. John the Baptist, Lorain, OH
  6. St. Andrew, Parma, OH
  7. Pokrova, Parma, OH
  8. St. Michael, Rossford, OH
  9. Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Solon, OH
  10. Holy Trinity, Youngstown, OH
  11. Ss. Peter & Paul, Aliquippa & Ambridge, PA
  12. St. Vladimir, Arnold, PA
  13. Holy Trinity, Carnegie, PA
  14. Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Ford City, PA & St. Michael, West Leechburgh, PA
  1. St. Demetrius, Jeannette, PA
  2. St. John the Baptist, Johnstown, PA & Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Revloc, PA
  3. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Latrobe, PA & Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, New Alexandria, PA
  4. St. Michael, Lyndora, PA
  5. St. John the Baptist, Mckees Rocks, PA
  6. St. John the Baptist, Mckeesport, PA
  7. Immaculate Conception, North Umbria, PA & Altoona, PA
  8. St. John the Baptist, Pittsburgh, PA
  9. St. George, Pittsburgh, PA
  10. Annunciation, Ramey, PA
  11. Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Wheeling, WV
  12. Mother of God, Conyers, GA
  13. St. Mary’s Protection, Apopka, FL & St. Thomas and St. Nicholas, Tenn.
  14. St. Andrew, Brooksville, FL & St. Basil and St. Nicholas, NC
  15. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Miami, FL & SS. Volodymyr & Olha, NC
  16. Entrance of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple, North Port, FL
  17. Epiphany of Our Lord, St. Petersburg, FL


Kontakion of the Prodigal Son

O how foolishly I have behaved in distancing myself from your fatherly glory! In wickedness I have squandered the riches which you gave me. And so in the voice of the prodigal I cry to you: I have sinned against you, compassionate father; receive me for I repent, and make me one of your hired servants.

O God, help my brothers and sisters in _________ and help me by their prayers. (After a prayer by Dorotheus of Gaza.)


O God, our Heavenly Father, Lover of Humanity, most merciful and compassionate, have mercy upon your servants _________, for whom I/we humbly pray and commend to your gracious care and protection. O God be their guide and protection in all their endeavors. Lead them in the path of your truth. Draw them ever closer to You that they may lead a holy and righteous life in Your love and fear, doing Your will in all things. Give them grace that they may be temperate, industrious, diligent, devout and charitable. Defend them against the assaults of the enemy, and grant them wisdom and strength to resist all temptation and corruption of this life. Direct them in the way of salvation, through the merits of Your Son, and our Savior Jesus Christ, and the intercession of His Holy Mother and of Your blessed saints; for You are Holy, O our God, and we render glory to You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.


Web Sites

Christian Ethereal Library

Early Christian Writings

Early Church

Early Church 2

St. Basil the Great


Bibliographical Resources on St. Basil the Great

Armstrong, A H, H J Blumenthal, and R A Markus. Neoplatonism and Early Christian Thought: Essays in Honour of A.H. Armstrong. London: Variorum Publicaions, 1981.
Barnett, Tanya Marcovna. –The Family of All Creation.Ó Earth Ministry. 2002. Bayview Manor Chapel Service. 2002
Barrois, George A. The Fathers Speak: St. Basil the Great, St. Gregory Nazianzus, St. Gregory of Nyssa. New York: St. Vladimir Press, 1986.
Basil of Caesarea. On the Origin of Man. Homilies X and XI of the Hexaemeron. Trans. Sr. Jerome Roman, OSBM. Washington: National Center of Scientific Research, 1970.
Basil, Saint, Bishop of Caesarea. Excerpts from the Works of Saint Basil the Great: Archbishop of Caesarea. St. Charles : St. Charles’ House, 1971.
Basilius, Caesariensis, Bloomfield Jackson, Philip Schaff, and Henry Wace. Letters and Select Works. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1960.
Basil, Saint, Bishop of Caesarea. St. Basil the Great. London: SPCK, 1908.
Basil, Saint Bishop of Caesarea. In Honor of St. Basil the Great 379. Still River, MS: St Bede’s Publications, 1979.
Basil, Saint Bishop of Caesarea. Commentary on the Prophet Isaiah. Mandelbachtal; Cambridge: Edition Cicero, 2001.
Basil, Saint Bishop of Caesarea, Excerpts from the Works of Saint Basil the Great. St. Charles, III: St. Carles’ House, 1966.
Basil, Saint Bishop of Caesarea, and George Lewis. St. Basil the Great. London: Religious Tract Society, 1888.
Basil, Saint Bishop of Caesarea, and Gregory of Nazianzus, Saint, Gregory of Nyssa, Saint, and Georges Augustin Barrois. The Fathers Speak, St. Basil the Great, St. Gregory of Naziznzus, St. Gregory of Nyssa. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir, 1986.
Basil, Bishop of Caesarea, Gregory, of Nazianzus Saint, and Georges Augustin Barrois. The Fathers Speak, St. Basil the Great, St. Gregory of Nazianzus, St. Gregory of Nyssa. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1986.
Basil, Saint Bishop of Caesarea. Some Teachings on the Religious Life. Calcutta: S. P. C. K., 1931.
Basile, Saint Eveque de Cesaree, and C F H Johnston. The Book of Saint Basil the Great, Bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia, On the Holy Spirit. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1892.
Bloomfield, Jackson. The Eighth Letter of St. Basil the Great. Oxford: J. Parker and Co., 1905.
Boojamra, John L. An Investigation of teh Christian Attitude Towards the Natural Sciences as Seen in the Creation Commentary of St. Basil the Great. Thesis: St. Vladimir’s Orthodox theological Seminary, 1967.
Butler, Michael Earl. The Refutation of Eunomius’s Doctrine of God in St. Basil the Great’s Contra Eunomium. Thesis, MA: University of Dallas, 1986.
Buttner, Michael Thomas. Basil the Great and the Rites of Initiation. 1988.
Campbell, James Marshall. The Influence of the Second Sophistic in the Style of the Sermons of St. Basil the Great. Cleveland : J. T. Zubal, 1983, 1922.
Caraman, Philip. Saints and Ourselves. Ann Arbor, MI: Servant Books, 1981.
Cyprian, Saint Bishop of Carthage, Clement Barksdale, and Basil Saint Bishop of Caesarea. St. Cyprian Bishop and Martyr, Anno 250, of Discipline, Prayer, Patience; St. Basil the Great of Slotitude. London: Printed for Sam Keble, 1675.
Coombes, William Henry, and Basil Sain Bishop of Caesarea, John Chrysostom, Saint, and Eucherius Saint Bishop of Lyons. Sacred Eloquence. London: J. P. Coghlan, 1798.
Clarke, W K Lowther. St. Basil the Great. Cambridge: University Press, 1913.
Calhoun , Scott D. “Why Should We Go to School, St Basil?”. Thesis, MA: Bowling Green State University, 1997.
Dowell, John. The Clergies honour: or, the Lives of St. Basil the Great, Archbishop of Neo-Caesarea, and St. Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople. Drawn by Way of Parallel. London: Nat. Thompson, for William Cooper, at the Pelican in Little-Britain, 1681.
Ferguson, Everett. The Early Church and Greco-Roman Thought. New York: Garland, 1993.
Fedwick, Paul J. The Church and the Charisma of Leadership in Basil of Caesarea. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publisher, 1979.
Fox, Sister Margaret Mary. The Life and Times of St. Basil the Great as Revealed in His Works. Washington D.C: Catholic University of America, 1939.
Gamble, Richard M. The Great Tradition: Classic Readings on What It Means to be an Educated Human Being. Wilmington, DE: ISI Books, 2007.
Greer, Rowan A, and Leo Dupuydt. Homiletica From the Pierpont Morgan Library. Lovanii: E. Peeters, 1991.
Geiger, Father Damon, Father Fred Saato, Monk Maximos. Light for Life: Part Three: The Mystery Lived. Pittsburgh: God With Us Publication, 2001.
Gregory of Nazianzus. Funeral Oration on the Great S. Basil, Bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia. Ed. Philip Schaff. Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1986.
Hagg, Tomas, Philip Rousseau, and Christian Hogel. Greek Biography and Panegyric in Late Antiquity. Berkley: University of California Press, 2000.
Harrison, Verna E.F. On the Human Condition. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2005.
Hanrahan, James. St. Basil the Great, 329-379: A Life With Excerpts from His Works. Toronto: Basilian Press, 1979.
Holy Apostles Convent, The Lives of the Three Hierarchs. Buena Vista, Colo: The Convent, 1998.
Harrell, Charles. St. Basil the Great as Icon. 1995.
Jurgens, William A. The Faith of the Early Fathers Vol II. Collegeville, MI: The Liturgical Press, 1979.
Kalellis, P M. St. Basil the Great. Greece: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, 1969.
Katrii, IUliian IA, and Demtrius E. Wysochansky. St. Basil the Great, Patriarch of Eastern monasticism. New York: Basilian Fathers Publications, 1979.
Kenrick, Francis Patrick, and Basil Sain Bishop of Caesarea. A Treatise on Baptism: With an Exhortation to receive it, translated from the Works of St. Basil the Great, to Which is Added a Treatise on Confirmation.. Philadelphia: M. Fithian, 1843.
Kellie, Lester William. a Historical Study of the Background, Rise and Development of Music and Hymnody in Christian Worship. 1951.
Kimbrough, S T. Orthodox and Wesleyan Scriptural Understanding and Practice. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2005.
Lambertsen, Isaac E, Xenia Endres, and Dimitri Saint Metropolitan of Rostov. The Three Hierarchs: From the Menology of St. Dimitri of Rostov, in Russia. Buena Vista, CO: Dormition Skete, 1985.
Levkulic, William. The Divine Liturgy: a Book of Prayer; for the Liturgies of St. John Chrysostom and St. Basil the Great. Pittsburgh: Byzantine Seminary Press, 1978.
Lowther,W. K. Clarke. St. Basil the Great. Cambridge: University Press, 1913.
Lowery, Brian. Episcopal Collegiality According to Saint Basil the Great. Rome: Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana, 1985.
Miller, Timothy. The Birth of the Hospital in the Byzantine Empire. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997.
Nigg, Walter. Warriors of God. 1st American ed.. New York: Knopf, 1952.
O’Connor, Terence R. The Communio as Revealed in the Writings of St. Basil the Great. San Jose, CA: Smith Printing, 1952.
Orthodox Eastern Church, and Fellowship of St.Alban and St. Sergius. A Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church. Second Series . London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge for the Fellowship of Ss. Alban and Sergius, 1947, 1939.
Oyer, Michael C. St. Basil the Great and the Formation of Ascetic Communities. Thesis, MA: Graduate Theological Union, 1995.
Padelford, Frederick Morgan. Essay on the Study and Use of Poetry by Plutarch and Basil the Great. New York: H.Holt and Company, 1902.
Palardy, William B. The Theology of Christian Koinonia of St. Basil the Great. Thesis, MA: St. John’s Seminary, 1985.
Payne, Robert. The Holy Fire: The Story of the Fathers of the Eastern Church. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimirês Seminary Press, 1980.
Penrose, Sr. Romanus. Seeds of Hope: Father of the Church. St. Lois, MO: Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, 1983.
Porter, Ray. Greatest Benefits of Mankind. New York: W. W. Norten, 1998. University Press, 1974.
Prestige, G L. St. Basil the Great and Apollinaris of Laodicea. London: S.P.C.K., 1956.
Puhalo, Lazar, and Vasili Novakshonoff. Great Fathers of the Church. Dewdney, B.C.: Synaxis Press, 1997.
Pekar, Atanasii V. St. Basil the Great, His Life and Work (329-379). Toronto: Basilian Press, 1997.
Rainey, David Lloyd. The Argument for the Deity of the Holy Spirit According to St. Basil the Great, Bishop of Caesarea. 1992.
Reilly, Gerald F. Imperium and Sacerdotium: According to St. Basil the Great . Washington D.C: Catholic University of America Pr., 1945.
Roman, Sr. Jerome, OSBM. The Flaming Pillar of Cappadocian Caesarea. Rome, Italy: Scuolo Grafica Salesiani Pio XI, 1963.
Rousseau, Philip. Basil of Caesarea. Berkley: University of California Press, 1994.
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Schaff, Philip, and Henry Wace. A Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church. New York: The Christian Literature Company, 1890-1900.
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Wilson, David Dunn. Preaching in the First Five Centuries. Cambridge: 2005.