This past Sunday, the Sts. Peter and Paul Youth Group from Ambridge participated in a pilgrimage to St. John the Baptist Church in Southside Pittsburgh. Built in 1881, this church is the oldest Ukrainian Catholic church in Western PA, and the 4th oldest in the United States. It is a designated pilgrimage site for the 2025 Jubilee Year. While at the parish, the youth were given a tour, taught about the importance of the Year of Jubilee as well as its logo, prayed together, and even participated in a small procession for Icon Sunday.
The youth group got a personalized tour of the grounds from the church’s priest Fr. Yaroslav Koval as well as Mikey and Joey Levy.
Highlights of the trip included: the tour of the press box, praying together, and our Icon Sunday procession!
After the tour, the group traveled to lunch to get her for even more fun and fellowship! Overall, it was a very successful trip and all of the kids had a great time!