Office of Religious Education


Included in this issue:

Included in this issue:

—Notable dates for September 15-30 other than those included as a separate entry.

—Reflections for the Sunday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, September 15; Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost, September 22; and the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost, September 29.

—A catechetical instruction, “The Holy Mysteries of Service,” emended, from We Walk With Christ.

—A new paragraph for reflection from the recent papal bull Spes Non Confundit with a link to the complete document and a link to information about the 2025 Jubilee.

—Reminders with links for Synod Decisions 2024 and the Pastoral Letter, “The Gospel Is the Power of God to Salvation for Everyone Who Believes”; the fall youth retreat; and SingCon.

—Links to online resources.

Note: If you are looking for additional resources for this Sunday, designated as catechetical Sunday, the bishop has posted information on the Eparchy’s website from God With Us under news. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, which developed this day, and which our bishops are members of, provides a different theme and different resources on their website. The USCCB theme has a focus on missionary discipleship, which is well related to the emphasis of our bishops on mission, evangelization, the call to holiness, and living the Holy Gospel. You can access that information here.

Our next issue will be October 1, 2024.