






The Mission of the Office of Vocations: Priesthood and Religious Life is to serve the people of the Local Church (Eparchy) in the area of vocation awareness. This responsibility belongs to all the members of the eparchy. It is the aim of the office to empower these individuals to foster and nourish priestly and religious vocations for themselves and for other persons. The mission calls to give encouragement to individual men and women who manifest particular interest in priesthood and religious life. We strive to assist them in their discernment process through personal contact and written communication. We are commissioned by and responsible to the Bishop of the St. Josaphat Eparchy.

Pastoral Guide of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the United States of America

VII. Vocations

Art. 347. Every priest shall encourage and promote vocations to the clerical and religious life.

Завдання Відділу у справах покликання до священичого та богопосвяченого життя – це служити вірним місцевої Церкви (Епархії) в напрямі плекання покликань. Це – обов’язок усіх членів Епархії. Метою цього відділу є уповноважити всіх вірних сприяти та плекати покликання до священичого та богопосвяченого життя між собою та серед інших. Завдання відділу – це заохочувати чоловіків та жінок, які проявляють особливе зацікавлення до священичого та богопосвяченого життя. Ми намагаємося допомогти їм у процесі розпізнання їхнього покликання через особистий контакт та письмову комунікацію з ними. Відділ є уповноважений Єпархом Стемфордським та несе перед ним відповідальність.

Пасторальні Напрямні Української Католицької Церкви В США

VII. Покликання

Арт. 347. Кожен священик повинен підтримувати та сприяти покликанню до священичого та богопосвяченого життя.

Director of Vocations

Rev. Vsevolod Shevchuk
Rev. Vsevolod ShevchukDirector of Vocations
PO BOX 347180
Parma, OH 44134

As Jesus was walking on from there he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax office, and he said to him, ‘Follow me.’

Do you hear Our Lord calling for a few good men and women?

vocationsDo you feel that the Lord’s presence in your life is guiding you to a life of dedication and service to Him and your fellow men and women? As Catholic Christians, we actively seek God’s grace to give us direction in life and guidance to obey His will in our lives. Our Lord calls us to different duties in our lives – this is what a vocation is all about!

(The word “vocation” itself comes from the Latin verb, “vocare,” meaning “to call” in the sense that one is called to a specific duty to which one will devote their energy and life to performing well.)

We are all called by God to devote our talents in our lives to further His glory here on Earth. Some are called to live a celibate life of serving their fellow men and women; others are called to a life of marriage and raising children. Some are called to a religious life of service, married or celibate. Yet others are called by God to labor in the secular world while being a good Christian example by living a godly life.

In today’s secular world, we are faced with an endless series of choices as to how to live our lives. Such choices are indeed daunting. This is where we, as Catholic Christians, must place our faith and trust in God to guide us to discern what he is calling us to do with our lives. Is God calling you to a life of marriage? Or perhaps he is calling you to a life of celibacy? Is he calling you to a life of service as a priest, deacon, monastic or layperson? Only YOU can tell if God is calling you in your life!

Contemplative and Active

Some people are suited to quiet reflective life and others are more suited to public service. Both are valuable, complementary and needed lifestyles within the Church. There are religious vocations and communities that vary from extremely contemplative to extremely active, with everything in between.

Ordained/Consecrated and Lay Ministries

Charity Workers, Catechists, Cantors, Liturgists, Theologians, Iconographers, Youth Coordinators, Ecumenists, Pastoral Care Givers, Mission Workers, Canonists, Lectors, Scripture Instructors, loving parents, grandparents, and children. All vocations start in the home. It is extremely important to live a good Christian Life. Contact your local Church to enquire how you can best fit in.

Marriage and Celibacy

Not everyone is called to be married, nor is everyone called to be single. Although some forms of Religious life such as monks and nuns require a celibate lifestyle, many others such as clergy, administrators and missionaries do not.

Think you Might Have an Ordained/ Consecrated Vocation?
Please contact your local priest for more information.

Prayer for Vocations:

Almighty and merciful God, inspire those You have chosen
to hear and answer Your call
to the Priesthood and Religious Life.

Give them the courage to be the prophets for our times.
Give them the wisdom and openness to live their personal call.
Give them the strength to be ready witness
of Your love and care for the world.

May they find support and encouragement
in our words and in our prayers,
through the intercession of Mary, the Mother of God,
and all the Saints.