Many families in the United States observe National Grandparents Day on the first Sunday of September after Labor Day. This year it is celebrated on September 8, 2024. Pope Francis established a World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly that is celebrated each year during the month of July. In recognition of these celebrations, the Office of Family and Sanctity of Life of the Eparchy of St. Josaphat Parma would like to present a series of reflections grouped around events in the early life of Jesus as He engaged with His elders.

The Annunciation

The elderly are like the roots of the tree, Pope Francis says: “All that the tree has that flourishes comes from what it has buried. Everything that a society has is related to the roots of the elderly.”

“Roots are not anchors chaining us to the past,” he says to the young, but “a fixed point from which we can grow and meet new challenges as we bring the Good News of the Gospel to the people of our time.”

In the Annunciation we see Mary as the daughter of Zion embodying the Messianic expectations of Israel. Rooted in God’s word and the faith of her people, she accepts her unique mission and Jesus becomes flesh in her womb. Firm in her identity, Mary sets off on the great adventure of salvation!

1. As an adult do you cherish your roots and try to pass them on to the younger generations?
2. As a young person do you know your roots? Do your roots give you a sense of belonging, and a foundation from which to grow and set off in new directions?

– Sr. Constance
Little Sisters of the Poor
St. Jeanne Jugan Communications