Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

Glory to Jesus Christ!

For years the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saint Josaphat in Parma struggled under a significant debt burden.  Thanks to the support of many faithful individuals and parishes, I am pleased to report that the Eparchy finished paying the last of its external debts last month.

It is therefore time to lift our sights to the future and begin to build a strong foundation for the Eparchy for years to come.  In particular, we need to plan to support our Missions, Missionaries and Ministries.

  • Missions: Our parishes – older and newer – that exist from Ohio to Florida.  These are the centers of our spiritual lives and the cornerstones of our communities.
  • Missionaries: Our clergy, including priests, deacons and seminarians.
  • Ministries: The pastoral and outreach programs that make a difference in people’s lives such as our Youth Ministry Program, Young Adult Ministry, Vibrant Parish Program.

The Eparchy needs financial resources for these needs in the short term (over the next 5 years) and the long term (for decades to come).  To achieve this, I am planning a series of fundraising events in several parts of the Eparchy this Fall.  I would like to ask for your support with these events: attend them if you can; give them your maximum financial support; volunteer on the committees planning these events; and pray for their success.  You will receive more information about these in the future, but for now please mark your calendar for these dates:

October 8, 2016:  Eparchial Regional Fundraising Event in Cleveland area

October 23, 2016:  Eparchial Regional Fundraising Event in Pittsburgh area

November 19, 2016:  Eparchial Regional Fundraising Event in Florida

The Eparchy exists to serve you and your families, and to preach the Gospel to all people.  We need financial resources to do this well.  Please support this most important initiative.  And please remember the Eparchy in your prayers, together with our clergy, young people and me.  You will be in mine.

Gratefully yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Bohdan J. Danylo

PS:  Please consider making a bequest to the Eparchy, or creating a tax-advantaged charitable gift annuity to benefit the Eparchy.