8 02, 2024

Prayer Service for Peace in Ukraine, February 24, 2024

2024-02-08T19:45:00+00:00Eparchy, Events, Liturgy, News, Prayer Request|

The Catholic Diocese of Cleveland and Greater Cleveland's Ukrainian Community invite the public to join them in a prayer service for peace in Ukraine. The Vigil of Remembrance will be held on Saturday, February 24, 2024, at 6pm at the Cathedral of Saint John the Evangelist in Cleveland, Ohio. This

5 12, 2023

Celebrating 40 Years: Saint Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy in Parma

2023-12-05T20:05:12+00:00Bishop, Divine Liturgy, Eparchy, News|

A Milestone of Faith and Community This year marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Saint Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy in Parma, a significant milestone for the Ukrainian Catholic community in the United States. Established by Pope John Paul II, this eparchy has been a beacon of faith

28 06, 2019

Кардинал Сандрі: Східні Католицькі Церкви в США є живою дійсністю

2019-06-28T14:57:03+00:00Eparchy, Events, News|

Повернувшись з десятиденних відвідин різних спільнот Східних Католицьких Церков у США, кардинал Сандрі поділився своїми думками про цю подорож і про майбутню зустріч з Папою Блаженнішого Святослава, членів Постійного Синоду та Митрополитів УГКЦ. Бенедетта Капеллі/с. Лідія Короткова, СНДМ – Ватикан Протягом десяти днів кардинал Леонардо Сандрі, Префект Конгрегації Східних Церков,

28 06, 2019

The Eparchial Review Board on the Implementation of Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People Held Its Consecutive Meeting

2019-06-28T14:15:55+00:00Eparchy, News|

The Eparchial Review Board on the Implementation of Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People Held Its Consecutive Meeting The Review Board of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma on the implementation of the USCCB Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People held

24 04, 2019
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Bishop Bohdan J. Danylo Ordains a New Priest for St. Josaphat Eparchy

2019-04-24T14:13:06+00:00Bishop, Celebration, Divine Liturgy, Eparchy, Events, News, Ordination|

On April 18, 2019, Bishop Bohdan J. Danylo ordained a new priest, Fr. Sviatoslav Ditchuk, for the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma during Holy Thursday services (according to the Gregorian calendar). On April 18, 2019 – Holy Thursday, according to the Gregorian calendar this year – Bishop

11 04, 2019

The Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma Held an Annual Conference for Its Clergy

2019-04-11T18:43:56+00:00Clergy Conference, Eparchy, News|

The clergy of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma held their annual conference on April 9-11, 2019 at the Loyola Retreat House in Clinton, OH. The conference, led by the eparchy’s Ordinary, Bishop Bohdan Danylo and attended by the priests and a newly ordained Deacon Sviatoslav Ditchuk

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