16 04, 2019

Послання Блаженнішого Святослава до духовенства на Великий четвер

2019-04-16T16:20:50+00:00Faith, News, Patriarch Letters|

«Божий Слуга, духовний отець парохії» Послання Блаженнішого Святослава до духовенства УГКЦ на Великий четвер 2019 року Божого   Ось мій Слуга, якого я підтримую, мій вибраний, якого вподобало моє серце.  Я поклав на нього дух мій: він сповістить народам правду. Іс. 42, 1   Всесвітліші, всечесніші та преподобні отці, чесні

15 02, 2019

PRAYER SERIES: 1. What is Prayer?

2019-02-15T16:56:43+00:00Faith, News, Video Series|

When we are faced with challenges of life, prayer seems to be the last thing that we consider, whereas it should be the first, because it is the best thing that a created being can engage in, for not only does it change us, but more importantly helps us see

9 02, 2019

Prayer for Vocations:

2019-02-11T20:31:12+00:00Faith, News|

Prayer for Vocations: Loving God, you call all who believe in you to grow perfect in love by following in the footsteps of Christ your Son. Call from among us more men and women who will serve you as religious. By their way of life, may they provide a convincing

31 01, 2019

God Who Got His Hands Dirty

2019-01-31T16:25:49+00:00Faith, News|

Father Andriy Kelt, a priest of Saint Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy publishes a series of videos on matters of faith. His youtube channel is called Catholic Explorer. The latest video is: The fight of this life is truly hard. We wage battle against our temptations and vices that plague our

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