15 06, 2020


2020-06-15T19:14:42+00:00Family Life, News|

FATHER'S DAY ... Father’s Day is an appropriate time to recall the essential role of fathers in the life of the family and in building a culture of life. It is also an opportunity to highlight spiritual fatherhood, which all men are called to embrace. Fatherhood has its origins in God,

22 04, 2020


2020-04-22T16:03:33+00:00Family Life|

On the third Sunday of Pascha, we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Myrrh-Bearing Women. The first witnesses of our Lord's resurrection were women who went to the tomb with oil and spices to anoint the body of Jesus after His crucifixion. They came to offer Him one last act of

16 04, 2020

Thomas Sunday

2020-04-16T15:10:04+00:00Family Life|

THOMAS SUNDAY ON THIS SUNDAY, April 19, our Church observes the celebration of Thomas Sunday, the remembrance of the risen Lord’s appearance to St. Thomas the Apostle. Following the crucifixion and burial of Jesus, the disciples were gathered in a room with the doors closed and locked for fear of

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