8 03, 2019

Ukrainian Catholic Hierarchs in the United States Meet with New Metropolitan-Archbishop Borys Gudziak in Philadelphia

2019-03-08T18:45:51+00:00Bishop, News, Philadelphia Archeparchy|

The Ukrainian Catholic hierarchs of the United States had an opportunity to meet and pray with the new Metropolitan-Archbishop of Philadelphia, His Grace Borys Gudziak, on March 5 and 6. On Wednesday morning, March 6, the bishops began the day by praying the First Hour in the Archbishop’s Chapel, led

27 02, 2019

Weigel on Bishop Gudziak Becoming Metropolitan Archbishop of Philadelphia

2019-02-27T21:10:15+00:00News, Philadelphia Archeparchy|

Papal biographer George Weigel has written about the coming installation (June 4) of Bishop Borys Gudziak, president of the Ukrainian Catholic University, as Metropolitan Archbishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy (Archdiocese) of Philadelphia. Homecoming, by George Weigel, posted on the First Things website, February 27, 2019 In the mid-1980s, my wife

18 02, 2019

Владика Борис Ґудзяк очолить Філадельфійську митрополію УГКЦ у США

2019-02-18T18:27:08+00:00News, Philadelphia Archeparchy|

У понеділок, 18 лютого 2019 року, у Ватикані повідомлено про те, що Папа Франциск потвердив рішення Синоду Єпископів УГКЦ і призначив владику Бориса Ґудзяка Архиєпископом і Митрополитом Філадельфійським УГКЦ у США, перенісши його з Паризької єпархії Святого Володимира Великого. Водночас Святіший Отець призначив Апостольським адміністратором вакантного осідку Паризької єпархії Святого

15 03, 2018


2018-03-15T15:43:43+00:00News, Pastoral, Philadelphia Archeparchy|

Download English and Ukrainian Texts   EASTER PASTORAL OF THE UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC HIERARCHY OF THE U.S.A. TO OUR CLERGY, HIEROMONKS AND BROTHERS, RELIGIOUS SISTERS, SEMINARIANS AND BELOVED FAITHFUL Christ is Risen!                  Indeed he is Risen!   In the beginning was the Word, And the Word

8 08, 2017

Archeparchy of Philadelphia Welcomes Father Andriy Rabiy as new Auxiliary Bishop

2017-08-08T15:51:01+00:00News, Philadelphia Archeparchy|

Metropolitan-Archbishop Stefan Soroka and Auxiliary Bishop John Bura, together with the clergy, religious and faithful of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia joyfully welcome the Holy Father’s appointment of Very Rev. Andriy Rabiy, a priest of our archeparchy, as an Auxiliary Bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia.  He

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