During the month of January, each year we reflect on the Supreme Court’s decision of Roe v. Wade. We
pray for the preservation of all human life from the time of conception to natural death.
Every person who has ever lived, every human person who will be born today, and every human person
who will come into existence in the future, is KNOWN and LOVED by our heavenly Father from all
eternity. This loving Father in the knowledge, care and compassion that He has for each one of His sons
and daughters, has made us unique and unrepeatable. He tells us …
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you.”
(Jer. 1:5)
During this month, let us thank our God and Father for the wonderful gift of human life and let us always
pray and work to preserve this gift in all of its wonder and glory.
The Catholic Church in the United States will observe the annual Day of Prayer for the Legal
Protection of Unborn Children on January 22. This day is set aside to pray for the legal protection of
human life and to do penance for the violations to human dignity through abortion.
On Sunday, January 17th, we, the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of St. Josaphat, will set aside a day of
prayer for the preservation of human life.
The following petitions are provided to be included in the Liturgy on this day:

May the Lord grant to us understanding hearts, that we may treasure His gift of life.
– Нехай Господь дарує нам любляче серце щоб ми могли цінити дар життя.
– May God grant us the wisdom and courage to lovingly protect His gift of human life at every
stage, in sickness and in health.
– Нехай Господь дарує нам мудрість на відвагу щоб ми берегли дар людського життя
чи то в хворобі чи в здоров’ї від зачаття аж до смерті.
– For public servants, may God grant them the humility, wisdom and courage to defend all
human life.
– За державне правління, щоб Господь Бог дарував їм смиренність, мудрість та
мужність берегти людське життя.